Contemporary, Angst, Romance, New Adult
Kindle: ARCFair Warning: This an explicit book, with sex acts in almost every other chapter. There are things some consider kinky. The language is harsh at times, and the sex is graphic. If that is not what you are looking for, this book is not for you.
Go back to the days of high school and college with Crystal and Chad...
Chad is in the band Reckless. Crystal is their one and only groupie. The band is not going anywhere, mostly because their rhythm guitarist, Phil is too mechanical. Chad makes a decision without his bandmates, bringing Crystal into the fold. The rest of the band balks and laughs until they hear her play. They quickly forget Chad went over their heads and welcome her to the band.
After Crystal and Chad both go through painful break-ups, Crystal is a bit jaded. Then Paulie walks into their lives. He is exactly what Crystal and Reckless needs. He takes their band and Crystal's heart for a ride no one will forget. (Goodreads)
I was received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Warning was found on both this book and the first novel in the series.
Fair Warning: This an explicit book, with sex acts in almost every other chapter. There are things some consider kinky. The language is harsh at times, and the sex is graphic. If that is not what you are looking for, this book is not for you.
This wasn’t true for this book, although I’ve heard there’s practically no plot in the first novel. So not sure why the warning is included in this book, I can count on one hand how many sex scenes were in the entire book.
I don’t understand how this prequel novel has received such high reviews, since the first novel has nearly all negative reviews. At the time of writing this there are only 10 reviews, all 4 and 5 stars. I’m the only 2 star.
I’ve never been so frustrated by a book in my entire life. Nor have I heard the “baby” thrown around so many times.
We are introduced to Crystal and Chad, best friends who are truly in love with each other, even though neither will admit it to the other. Well Chad frequently shows how much he loves Crystal, but Crystal shoots him down every time, she’s unwilling to act on her own feelings for the young man. Why, we are never really told, beyond the fact that they are best friends and she doesn’t want to jeopardize that.
Within the first few pages we see Chad willingly cheat on his girlfriend with Crystal. Although Chad…and I’m pretty sure Crystal don’t see what they are doing because it’s just kissing. CHAD SAID THIS! “It’s just kissing, so it’s ok.” With him grinding against Crystal.
I almost DNFed right there….Kissing is another girl that is not your girlfriend is CHEATING!! This hit me so hard, and I was so angry. He keeps asking Crystal to make out with him, and have sex with him because he wants to be her first.
She keeps denying him, and eventually meets some guy named Keith. Also a detestable douchebag who only wants Crystal because she is hot, and he wants to have sex with her. I hated Keith almost as much as Chad.
Chad at least tried to get Crystal to see how horrible of a person Keith was, but she wouldn’t listen. Keith repeatedly told her how much he wanted her, to the point that it was getting painful because they weren’t having sex. He was getting blue balls..which is completely false!
He pressured her into having sex in HOT TOPIC!! WITHOUT A CONDOM!! How were there no repercussions from that? I was expecting her to get pregnant, or contract and STD, but nope…nothing…
Throughout this whole time, every random guy hits on her, wants to hook up with here and worst of all calls her Baby. In fact every other word out of any male characters mouth was baby. “Baby are you ok”, “Baby I love you”, Even something as simple as “ok baby?” Dear god I wanted to punch my kindle! Why the excessive use of baby? Ugh, one of the most frustrating things in a book ever.
Crystal repeatedly told Keith she didn’t want to have sex with him, that it wasn’t the right time, and especially she didn’t want to have it in public. But he didn’t listen, he begged and pleaded and whined how bad it hurt if he didn’t get it. She kept saying no, but finally gave in to shut him up. BORDERLINE RAPE!! SHE SAID NO!! He should have backed off.
Finally something big and drama-y happens that forces the two to break up. You think she would admit how much she loves Chad at this point, and get together with him. Of course they kiss and grind and all that, which is pretty disgusting. But no, she stays single for a while before ogling the new band member. Paulie! Who was actually really cool, sweet, genuine and faithful!
In comes Chad, who’s been overprotective to the point of extremity. I know Crystal is his best friend and love, but she repeatedly told him to back off, and to trust her. Which he should have done. While I commend him for protecting her from some sleazy guys, he does take it too far and lets his temper fly more then once. Which was grating on my nerves.
Paulie was everything Crystal could ever need in a boyfriend. He knows how to treat her and love her. I wish they had gotten together sooner!
We’re left with a bit of a cliffhanger. Paulie and Crystal are together and happy, but it’s clear from the last sentence of the novel that their journey together is just beginning.
I’m debating on wether or not to read Tripple Threat, especially since there are so many negative reviews, and I really wasn’t found of this book. But I do want to know what happens to Paulie and Crystal! How Crystal went from being in a committed relationship to jumping from bandmate to bandmate in the next book.
Overall I give it 1 little Octopus

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